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  3. 发展青少年和成人的合作关系有助于应对霸凌



Youth-adult partnerships involve multiple youth working together with multiple adults to address issues that are important to the overall health of people, groups and communities. A goal of these partnerships is to stimulate youth to develop social responsibility – a crucial factor in the promotion of health and well-being. Research in youth-adult partnerships shows that not only do youth benefit from these kinds of partnerships but adults, organizations and communities benefit as well. This type of youth-adult collaboration can be empowering as issues of trust, power and authority are addressed through these relationships, and youth and adults are expected to learn from each other.

Developing youth-adult partnerships is a great way to strengthen bullying prevention efforts. Research shows that when young people have strong connections and relationships with adults they are more resilient.  For many young people and adults, those connections, relationships and partnerships can develop through their involvement with the 4-H Youth Development Program.  As a partnership between USDA and the Cooperative Extension Service in positive youth development, 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.




  • 以真实而有意义的方式与青少年合作,挖掘他们的智慧、知识、能力和技巧。
  • 让他们以共同创造者、共同策划者、共同促进者、和共同学习者的身份,并以“准备就绪的状态”和避免成人主义的方式参与进来。
  • 为青少年提供发展和实践技能的机会,这将有助于其自身的正向发展,并对您的群体的整体发展做出贡献。


Developing youth-adult partnerships can also be a powerful strategy for addressing adultism, as many anti-bullying efforts are adult-driven and grounded in adultism.  According to John Bell of YouthBuild USA, adultism is the assumption that adults are better than young people, and that adults are entitled to act upon youth without their agreement. While youth need healthy support and guidance from adults, adultism can actually disempower youth. Young people consistently report that the messages they get from the adult world are that they are not as important, are not taken seriously, and that they have little to no power.
